Friday 6 December 2013

Four in a Bed (the TV series, not my normal Tuesday after-work activity)

I normally miss one or more episodes of Four in a Bed as I'm either eating dinner or late in from work, etc. Managed to catch them all this week, however, and must admit to being a little confused over the proceedings.

One of the parties, called Raj, ran a pretty basic lodging house in Cornwall somewhere. He was really arrogant and someone must have told him at some stage that he was a funny guy. But he seriously wasn't.

Ignoring the fact that he insisted on four (4) hard boiled eggs each morning alongside his full English breakfast and that each egg was PEELED before serving, he pulled a very weird stunt.
When the other three parties arrived at his place, they all noticed that the shower tiles had been recently painted, but in EMULSION and it was literally running down the shower walls. When they commented on this, he laughed and said it was a joke he regularly pulled on his guests. Getting them covered in white emulsion was clearly a winner, anyone could see that.

Why not just admit you wanted to spruce up the shower cubicles but didn't know what you were doing and got the wrong paint?? Bizarre.

And just when you thought things couldn't get any weirder, he then pulled out (off-camera) during the fourth visit due to "personal reasons." I would seriously LOVE to find out what happened - so if anyone knows why he left, you know where I am.

Keep watching, it's brilliant stuff.

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